Oct 11, 2017 | Featured Posts, Projects & Initiatives, Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA)
Welcome to the first installment of our four-part Patient’s View Miniseries! So many exciting things are happening around the province with BCPSLS Patient’s View. There are too many to fit them all into one blog post, so this fall we will feature a series of stories...
Aug 17, 2017 | Featured Posts, Patient Safety, Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA)
Trauma Services BC has partnered with the BC Patient Safety & Learning System (BCPSLS) to launch a system-wide mortality review process aimed at reducing adverse outcomes and preventable deaths related to trauma cases across the province. Trauma Services BC is a...
May 25, 2017 | Featured Posts, Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA)
The goals of Patient’s View are to identify quality and safety issues through the eyes of patients and families – often problems that the care team may be unaware of – and to use the information to inform improvement initiatives. BC Children’s Hospital led the way...
Jun 15, 2016 | Central Office, Featured Posts, Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA), Radiation Safety
The Provincial Radiation Therapy Program and BC PSLS Central Office are working together to enhance reporting and learning from radiation treatment events in BC PSLS. This provincial project builds on a national initiative led by the Canadian Partnership for Quality...
Jan 26, 2016 | Featured Posts, Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA), Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH)
In BC, the provincial protocol for babies born in hospital is to receive follow-up by a public health nurse within 24 to 48 hours of arriving home. Liaison Forms are a summary of the pre-natal care, birth, and current status of mom and baby, that are filled out by...
Mar 26, 2015 | Central Office, Featured Posts, Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA)
Patients and their families or caregivers are often an untapped resource when it comes to identifying opportunities to improve quality of care and patient safety. But at BC Children’s Hospital an innovative face-to-face patient/provider engagement tool...