Over 100,000 healthcare providers from across BC use our modules and tools to improve patient safety and quality of care. If you have questions about our system, please contact us.

To identify, follow-up on, and learn from patient safety events, including near misses, safety hazards and critical incidents.
Healthcare leaders are automatically notified when a safety event is reported in BCPSLS, and reporters receive an email notification after they submit their report, if they choose to provide their contact information. Authorized BCPSLS users can create summary reports to support learning and improvement.
The Safety Events module includes category specific provincial report forms. Reporters access forms via their staff health authority intranet sites.
- Self-learning for Reporters: Patient Safety
- Help videos

To meet specific requirements of the Care Quality Review Board Act. The BCPSLS Complaints module allows Patient Care Quality Officers to easily and consistently respond to, track, and report on their complaints handling work. Additionally, data can be aggregated and analyzed to identify trends of quality care concerns.

To support health authority Risk Managers with handling risk and liability issues, and communicating with the Health Care Protection Program (HCPP). The Claims module facilitates timely response, workflow, and tracking of actual and potential risks and legal claims.

To facilitate distribution of communications related to alerts or recalls for products, drugs, devices, and other practice advisory information. The Safety Alerts module enables response tracking when action is required, pulls information from other BCPSLS modules to create a comprehensive alerting and response system, promotes accountability, and closes the loop on addressing system problems.

To support the identification, assessment, and management of high-level risks and issues so they can be analyzed, addressed, and monitored.

To support the development, assignment, and management of recommendations arising from critical incidents and other types of reviews.

The Actions module is complementary to all other BCPSLS modules. Healthcare leaders can assign tasks, track their status, and report about changes and improvements.
Self-learning for Handlers: Actions

The My Reports module is a component of all BCPSLS modules. Healthcare leaders can access a selection of report templates to easily and quickly analyze and take corrective action on safety issues. Ad hoc searching and report building is also possible.
Self-learning for Handlers: My Reports
A business intelligence initiative to provide better analytics about patient safety events in BC. The goal is to provide healthcare leaders, and other designated BC PSLS users, quick access to interactive reports about their health authority’s BCPSLS data.