In follow-up to this post in January where I shared our top priorities for the year ahead, I realized it’s already almost May and we’re overdue to update you on what’s happening with BC PSLS. Since then, quite a bit has been happening, and I’m pleased to provide some details of this work.
Hooray – the new Landing Page is live!

New BC PSLS Landing Page provides easy access to Patient Safety Event Report forms. Each Health Authority has its own customized page (Fraser Health example)
On February 14, we launched a brand new look for BC PSLS – a centralized ‘Landing Page’ – which brings with it a more user-friendly interface for BC PSLS Reporters and Handlers. Visually-speaking, the new Landing Page is a modernized version of our system with icons that link directly to new ‘Speciality Report Forms’ which were developed in collaboration with several provincial working groups. It’s a fresh new look for BC PSLS and we look forward to hearing what Reporters and Handlers think of it – particularly in terms of usability, specialized forms and the overall look and feel. Bulletins about the most significant changes can be found here.
Highlights from the Analytics desk

“Bubble” charts are one example of BC PSLS reports. This report gives healthcare organizations a visual of the patient safety event review process (e.g. days to review events).
Streamlining data output for our stakeholders continues to be a key area of focus for Darren Frizzell, Business Development and Information Systems Analyst. Each month, he says over 1,000 healthcare providers from across BC receive reports automatically by subscribing to our “BC PSLS Publications.” He’s working hard to take this work into the next phase to ensure analytic reports meet the evolving needs of our users. Up next are for “BC PSLS Analytics” to receive a new and improved ‘look and feel’ to align with our new graphic standards, and the integration of medication data into the analytics tool – stay tuned! Darren’s blog posts can be found here.
New look for BC PSLS Blog on the way
As part of our overall goal to communicate and share positive safety stories from across the province, we’ll be launching a new look for the Blog. The Blog has given us real insight into the patient safety culture across BC and how much value there is in sharing stories for the purpose of learning and improving. We’d like to modernize the Blog while keeping patient safety stories front and centre because there is growing consensus that the Blog is a remarkable way to profile the work of BC’s healthcare providers and demonstrate overall improvements in healthcare safety. Just recently, we caught the eye of the Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI) who tell us they see the Blog as a “gold standard” for spreading learning across the healthcare system. We welcome contributions from all sectors of care in the province so contact Michelle with your patient safety story.
As you can see, a lot of work is underway – here at BC PSLS Central Office and across BC’s healthcare system. The blog is a great place to refer to if you’re interested in learning the inside scoop about what BC’s healthcare providers are doing to improve patient safety and what our team is doing to support them. Happy spring everyone!