BCPSLS Reports Standards

This page details the types, standards, filters for all the Reports within BC Patient Safety & Learning System (PSLS). For full list and details on reports see the Report Portfolio page.

To learn about appropriate use of BCPSLS data, please review our Data Principles.

Base Report

Base Reports are the foundation of a statistical or listing report (aka. packaged report). The base report elements include:

  • The Report Type (Listing, Bar, Pie, Line, Pareto, SPC, Crosstab, Gauge Traffic Light, etc). See section below for full details.
  • The Fields to be displayed on the report
  • Show top X items
  • Count style (number of records, sum of values, average, etc)
  • Value display (%, value only or % & value)
  • Count nulls

Report Types

There are two categories of interactive reports available in the application, statistical reports and listing reports.

Statistical Report Types

    • Bar Chart. A bar chart is a report that consists of rectangular bars with lengths that are proportional to the values that they represent. You can create vertical, stacked vertical, horizontal and stacked horizontal bar charts.
    • Pie Chart. A pie chart is a circular chart divided into two or more slices, each representing a portion of the total. You can create standard or exploded pie charts.
    • Line Graph. A line graph displays a series of data points, representing individual measurements, connected by straight line segments. You can create single lined and multiple lined line graphs.
    • Pareto Graph. A Pareto graph contains both bars and a line graph, where bars represent the individual values in descending order, and the line represents the cumulative total.
    • SPC Chart. A statistical process control (SPC) chart is a method of quality control used to monitor and control a process. It helps to ensure that a process operates at its full potential. Data is shown chronologically and helps users identify whether variations in a process are within control limits. You can create a c-charts, i-charts (x-charts), moving range reports or run reports.
    • Crosstab Report. A crosstab report is a table, in a matrix format that displays the (multivariate) frequency distribution of variables. It gives a basic picture of the interrelation between two variables and can help find interactions between them.
    • Gauge Chart. A gauge chart is a representative visual report that shows where the total count of a selected event falls within three user-defined ranges.
  • Traffic Light Chart. A traffic light chart is a single horizontal stacked bar chart that displays the sum total of each field as coloured bars, adding to a cumulative total across the bottom of the report. It can be useful as an indicator of proportionality.

Listing Report Types

  • Listing Report. A listing report displays information from named fields based on a predefined query. They are useful for listing information to help identify significant concerns or areas of improvement. You create listing reports using base reports configured by your administrator.

Packaged Report

Packaged reports are the actual reports that are being run. They are essentially the children of the parent base report. The packaged report outlines the following:

  • Report Title
  • Report Data Query (outlines the data being returned)
  • Report Filters (see section below for more information)
  • Security Overriding options
  • Permissions assigned to report (Profiles, Permission Groups or Users)

Report Filters / Prompts

If report filters exist on a packaged report they will be displayed on the left column of the report (under “Filters” section). The filters are specific fields that the user can use to search (filter) the data by. A common filter is the “Date of event” which provide a date range of Start date to End date to return records within.

Standard fields for filters include:

  • Event type
  • Date of event
  • Category – Level 1
  • Status
  • Handler
  • Health Authority
  • HSDA / Service Area
  • Facility
  • Program
  • Degree of Harm
  • Near Miss?
  • Severe Harm or Death?

Report Questions?

Please contact your Health Authority Coordinator.

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