BCPSLS Central Office has a special gift for you, just in time for the holidays: three shiny, new courses focused on patient safety!
We have revised our Patient Safety, Actions, and Reports courses on LearningHub. And we’re thrilled to announce that the courses will now be available on iLearn, as well, for staff in Interior Health.
The courses have a fresh new look and feel, updated content, and added features to enhance your learning experience.
Full disclosure: the practical reason for revising these courses is that Adobe Flash is being decommissioned at the end of 2020 and the current courses will no longer work after that happens.
But, really, that was just the excuse we needed to make something awesome!

Patient Safety 101
Our most popular course—called Patient Safety—has been completed by over 9,000 health care staff and students since it was launched in 2014.
Long considered a kind of “Patient Safety 101”, the course has served to introduce new staff to the concepts of patient safety and incident reporting and provide a refresher to staff who may already be familiar with BCPSLS.
Although course evaluations have been positive overall, a number of learners let us know that something was missing.
“It would be helpful to see a step-through guide on how to actually fill out a PSLS form because it may seem overwhelming when it needs to be done and you don’t know how to fill it out properly.”
– Anonymous learner
So, we’ve added screen shots and a click-through format that gives the learner a similar experience to working within the actual system. We’ve even included a few practice report forms for hands-on experience.

The patient voice
We are hugely grateful to Maryann Murray, who lent her time and expertise to ensure that the new Patient Safety course included the patient voice and experience.
Maryann, a member of Patients for Patient Safety Canada, has experienced first-hand how a patient safety incident can alter one’s life forever. Since then, she has volunteered on a number of projects within Canada, such as Five Question to Ask about your Medications, as well as internationally with the WHO Global Patient Safety Global Challenge: Medication Without Harm.
“The BCPSLS Patient Safety course was quite informative for me,” says Maryann. “It was great to see details on using the system and the link between reporting and learning. Hopefully, with this training, people will be more likely to report and add to patient safety learning.”
Maryann helped us emphasize the importance of engaging with patients and families, provide updated statistics, include meaningful and diverse images, and link learners to resources such as Engaging Patients in Patient Safety – A Canadian Guide.
Actions and Reports
The other two revised courses are geared toward helping handlers navigate two useful features of BCPSLS: actions and reports.

The courses offer up-to-date screen shots of the system and a click-through format to give you a hands-on experience.
Quiz questions are sprinkled throughout the course to support your learning. And, an added bonus: no need to take notes! Each course includes a downloadable resource manual for your future reference.
We know you’re busy, so we designed each course with a searchable menu you can use to hone in on the sections you’re interested in.

Whether you are new to health care in BC or interested in a refresher, we invite you to treat yourself to an engaging training experience!

LearningHub links

iLearn links
We are extremely grateful to Maryann, the health authority PSLS Coordinators, and all of you who provided input into making these courses as engaging, relevant, and useful as possible.
Happy holidays to you and yours from the BCPSLS Central Office team!

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