Jun 14, 2017 | Central Office, Featured Posts
In our latest episode of Patient Safety Voices we speak with three patient partners from the Patient Voices Network. Sandra Zelinsky, Michel White and Beth Campbell Duke share their personal experiences and talk openly about why partnering with patients and families...
May 25, 2017 | Featured Posts, Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA)
The goals of Patient’s View are to identify quality and safety issues through the eyes of patients and families – often problems that the care team may be unaware of – and to use the information to inform improvement initiatives. BC Children’s Hospital led the way...
May 10, 2017 | Falls Prevention, Featured Posts, Providence Health Care (PHC)
Adapted from a similar program in the USA, the “Red Socks” pilot project rolled out on two units at St. Paul’s Hospital in August 2016 to increase visibility of patients considered high-risk for falling. In conjunction with Falls Injury...
May 2, 2017 | Central Office, Conversations With Leaders, Featured Posts
In our latest episode of Patient Safety Voices, our guest is Chris Power, Chief Executive Officer, of the Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI). As you’ll hear, Chris is a passionate advocate for preventing harm across our health care system and says patient...
Mar 15, 2017 | Featured Posts, Providence Health Care (PHC)
Throughout our health care system there’s evidence that the use of checklists can improve communication among care teams, streamline complex processes and prevent patient harm. The Surgical Safety Checklist is a well-known example that underscores the importance of a...